Nautilux Custom Canvas LLC

Project Details

Fabric 1

Producer: Recasens USA
Supplier: Miami Corp

Design Name
Darren Arthur

Design Company
Nautilux Custom Canvas

Fabrication Name
Steven Sinatra

Fabrication Company
Nautilux Custom Canvas

Project Manager Name
Darren Arthur

Installation Name
Darren Arthur, Steven Sinatra

Please describe the project specifications

The awning is a 180 degree covering that is detached from the home on an independent structure. The radius is a little over 25 feet. We used 128 yards of 60” fabric. The awning covers a deck that is on the main level of the home however, the deck is on a hill and up off the ground by about 20 feet. Also, the end cap of the awning is separate and has a motorized 17’ drop shade for when the sun is setting.

What was the purpose of this project? What did the client request?

We have been servicing this client and their boats for the past several years. The property manager had asked me if I could make a new awning for the owner. I told him that this project may be best handled by a larger company, as this was not our expertise. Not accepting that answer, they insisted on me taking on this project. There were going to be a lot of firsts with this one.

What is unique or complex about the project?

The original awning had a valance around the perimeter that the wind would lift up and wear out. I suggested that we bring the valance in and connect it to the uprights as well as, scallop the edge between each upright to eliminate wind whip. Also, the addition of an end cap to close off the late day sun was added. The bottom slides into a track and the top zips to the awning. The awning had to be sitting just right for this end cap to fit properly. The entire awning was measured with a laser and the complete project was designed in Cad, cut with a plotter and strategically put together in a pre-determined sequence. This was a must due to the small space we operate in. Installing the awning had some challenges. Because the perimeter valance has a negative built in so that is connects to the uprights, it had to be slid on from the front then laced on. It could not be just thrown over and laced on.

What were the results of the project?

The old awning had a lot of bagginess to it due to the seam construction and the lack of ability to tie it tight. Being very direction specific when designing the layout and putting some thought into the ability to tension the awning allowed for a drum tight fit. No room for error on this one. Normally the valance can sit loose leaving some room for error. Everything had to sit at the correct location. The owners are very pleased with the tight fit and especially like the fixed valance and end cap. Now when a storm blows through, the awning is not slapping against the structure and making a lot of noise. Because of the very satisfied results of other projects we have done for them, they were insistent we take on this project and had all the confidence in our ability to deliver. It was a lot of firsts for us and some struggles along the way with design however, very rewarding in the end.

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