Dunn Arquitectura Ligera S.A De C.V. Guadalajara, JAL

Project Details

Fabric 1

Producer: Serge Ferrari North America Inc.
Supplier: Serge Ferrari North America Inc.

Engineer Name 1
Andrés Villaseñor

Engineer Company 1
Dünn Lightweight Architecture

Design Name
Horacio López

Design Company
Dünn Lightweight Architecture

Architect Name
Horacio López

Architect Company
Dünn Lightweight Architecture

Fabrication Name
Dünn Lightweight Architecture

Fabrication Company
Dünn Lightweight Architecture

Subcontractor Name
DSS Dynamic Steel Structures

Subcontractor Company
DSS Dynamic Steel Structures

Project Manager Name
Dünn Lightweight Architecture

Project Manager Company
Dünn Lightweight Architecture

Installation Name
Dünn Lightweight Architecture

Installation Company
Dünn Lightweight Architecture

Content is submitted by the participant. ATA is not responsible for the content descriptions of the IAA award winners.