Shade To Order Pty Ltd. Gateshead, NSW

Project Details

Fabric 1

Valmex Mehatop F
Producer: Mehler Texnologies GmbH
Supplier: Shann Australia

Engineer Name 1
Peter Sullivan

Engineer Company 1
Peter Sullivan & Associates

Design Name
Craig Flanagan

Design Company
Shade To Order Pty Ltd

Fabrication Name
Jason Barnes

Fabrication Company
McKanna Steel Fabrications

Project Manager Name
Craig Flanagan

Project Manager Company
Shade To Order Pty Ltd

Installation Name
Craig Flanagan

Installation Company
Shade To Order Pty Ltd

Please describe the project specifications

The project is a 75 sq mtr barrel vault structure installed onto a concrete deck at a private residence. Each side of the canopy rafters are attached to structural steel supports on the dwelling and all other supports are columns to the deck.
Deck attachments needed extra support and this was achieved by base plate backing plates connected to helical piers into the ground.

What was the purpose of this project? What did the client request?

The purpose of the project was to provide sun, rain and wind protection over a deck that had an existing poorly built structure in place.
The client requested that we remove the old structure and replace it with a stronger structure that achieves the clients requirement of sun protection until very late in the afternoon and yet not cut off any outward looking views. Requested rain protection all hours of the day including the area between the house and the deck area. Needed wind protection, strong enough to handle the prevailing winds as well as keeping wind out of the area. Also requested the structure look modern and conform with the existing architecture of the house.

What is unique or complex about the project?

The client requested a barrel vault style structure with curved rafters to match the curvature on the house roof line and the architectural design of the house. The house faces due west on the edge of a lake and the early afternoon sun made the deck unusable. The main bedroom opens out onto the deck and late afternoon sun heated up this side of the house. Height constraints due to maintaining the view made water drainage during rain interesting as there is minimal height difference between the front and rear edges of the structure. Water runoff was helped by differing radius of the curved rafters. The barrel vault structure has high pre-stress in the fabric helping water to drain.
All columns had backing plates under the deck connected to helical piers to resolve the uplift forces for this canopy in high winds.

What were the results of the project?

The structure is unique due a design that blended in the odd shape of the house’s existing façade. Rafters of different lengths and radius had to be used to conform with the odd angles of the house. This results in a structure that “hugs” the walls of the existing house creating a weatherproof entertaining area suitable for all year round use.
The project results have gone way beyond the Client’s expectations. All the client’s requirements were satisfied for an all weather covered deck fitting in with the existing architecture.
The Client advised us that we “have designed a structure that I did not think was designable”.
Very pleasing to hear.

Content is submitted by the participant. IFAI is not responsible for the content descriptions of the IAA award winners.