SHADE Industries Inc. Phoenix, AZ

Project Details

Fabric 1

Commercial 95
Producer: Gale Pacific USA Inc.
Supplier: Wholesale Shade

Engineer Name 1
Nick Keizer

Engineer Company 1
RNK Structural Engineering

Design Name
Josh Henderson

Design Company
SHADE Industries

Fabrication Company
SHADE Industries

Project Manager Company
SHADE Industries

Installation Company
SHADE Industries

Please describe the project specifications

Five (5) columns and three (3) custom wall brackets support two large custom shade sails over a small church playground, providing approximately 1,700 square feet of shade.

What was the purpose of this project? What did the client request?

During a major renovation project at the Scottsdale Bible Church campus, directors requested a unique shade structure that would provide functional shade over a school-aged playground during the winter mornings.

What is unique or complex about the project?

Winter can be a tricky time to plan for shade because the sun is so low in the sky. This client wanted shade during the morning all year long, but they wanted to insure that this included winter months in their warm climate to protect the kids even when it might not be as hot. Many creative solutions were explored to meet this request, but the most effective method in this project was to keep the structure height low. Because this area was fenced in and not open to the public, the risk of vandalism to the shade cloth was minimized, and we were able to bring entry heights down to 8 feet. Decorative architectural elements and minimal opportunities for wall brackets made connections at the building side extremely challenging. The space also dictated longer than normal spans which required us to use a heavier fabric.

What were the results of the project?

The original request was to provide functional shade on all mornings with a concern when the sun is low in the sky on winter mornings. Because of the unique design and orientation of the adjacent building, this playground structure receives nearly complete shade coverage year round. Church directors were extremely pleased with the outcome and have asked us to design subsequent structures on different areas of the campus.

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