Oyster Creek Canvas Co.

Project Details

Fabric 1

Producer: Glen Raven Custom Fabrics LLC
Supplier: Rex Pegg Fabrics, Inc.

Fabric 2

Top Gun
Producer: Marlen Textiles
Supplier: Rex Pegg Fabrics, Inc.

Fabric 3

Supplier: Rex Pegg Fabrics, Inc.

Design Name
Greg Keeler

Design Company
Oyster Creek Canvas Co.

Fabrication Name
Greg Keeler, Cat Sieh, and Jess Flegel

Fabrication Company
Oyster Creek Canvas Co.

Installation Name
Greg Keeler

Installation Company
Oyster Creek Canvas Co.

Please describe the project specifications

The project called for a rigid top with a windshield that could fold down to get under 2 specific bridges on 2 lakes in Whatcom County. The top had to be able to bear the weight of the blue police light, a spotlight, and various antennas. It also needed to be able to fold in a fairly timely manner.

What was the purpose of this project? What did the client request?

The purpose of the top was to provide protection from sun and rain, a windshield to keep the wind off, and hold electronic equipment. Plus it needed to fold.

What is unique or complex about the project?

This project was unique in the sense that it needed to bear a lot of weight but only having a fairly small footprint on which to mount. Plus it had to fold forward and have a windshield and stand up to around 50 MPH. It was challenging as we needed to work around a bunch of electronic equipment that is common on police patrol boats. We had to modify some of the mounting hardware so you could take it apart without having to get the wrench or pliers out, so we replaced the side mount bolts with ones we special ordered that were stainless and had a head that you could grab onto and loosen/tighten.

What were the results of the project?

Positive results! The top works and the client was pleased with the outcome.

Content is submitted by the participant. IFAI is not responsible for the content descriptions of the IAA award winners.